Baptized: 6/23/2024

Last year, I told my mom and dad that I wanted to be saved. They called Uncle Johnny to come to the house, and he talked to me and prayed with me. I wasn’t quite ready at that time. Several hard things have happened in my family over the last several years. In March, my cousin Ansley went to Heaven. After she passed away, Aunt Bae Bae and Aunt Cass hugged me and both talked to me about what it meant to be a Christian and how I would see Ansley again. During VBS when the card was passed and asked if I wanted to make a decision, I said yes!!! I talked to Bro. J. D. and I knew the answer to all his questions. I know Jesus died on the cross for me and I know that he died so my sins would be forgiven. Thank you to everyone that has talked to me and prayed for me to become a Christian.