The Cotton Patch
By Kaye Hall
In the early fifties, most of the Fredonia families were farmers. Money was scarce and the church family had to use every resource to make money for extra things for the church. We needed a bus to transport kids to church.
Ed and Annie Gaines owned the land by the church that we have since purchased. They donated the field beside the house to Fredonia to plant cotton. The men and boys would prepare and plant the field. Later families would chop the cotton rows and rid them of grass and weeds. In the fall we would pick a day and harvest the crop.
While we worked in the field, the ladies would prepare the most delicious lunch. Make-shift tables were sat up under the huge trees in the front yard. It was so much fun to be with other kids and have a wonderful meal.
Some of us kids would throw green cotton bolls until the parents told us this was GOD’S crop. When I read John 4:35 My fields are white unto harvest, I think of that patch of cotton and how GOD blessed that field and HIS church. Fredonia bus ministry started that fall. When his children have a need, HE meets it. That old bus would be full most every sunday.
” But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteous; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Fredonia is truly a BLESSED church family.