As a child, my friends accepted Christ. Like any other kid, I wanted to do what my friends did. So, I talked to an adult, and “got saved” even though I had no idea what it meant to surrender my life to the Lord. I thought I was saved.
Later on, as an 11 year old, I went to Centri-Kid. On that sleep deprived, emotional Thursday night worship, I talked to a leader and once again believed.
I was merely 12 when I questioned my salvation again. Fortunately, I’ve never been through any major trials in life, but not knowing whether I was truly saved or not killed me. There was not a day that passed that I didn’t stress over this. Whether I talked to friends and family, or therapists for 2 and a half years, I could not figure out where I stood with God.
Then, I went to Mfuge and met Ashley Rushing. Right off the bat, I knew she was a Christ-like example who I had to share my struggle. On the second day of camp, we talked. She answered the majority of my unanswered questions and opened my eyes to what truly surrendering to Jesus means.
So, on July 22nd, I accepted Christ. I realized good works won’t get you into Heaven.
I know what it’s like to be far from the Lord, and am so grateful to know what it’s like to be near to Him. Heaven is not a place for those who are afraid of Hell, but for people who love and want to serve Him.