Baptized: 8/7/2016
When I was 7, I thought I received Christ, but over the past year I began to doubt my salvation. During VBS I talked to my Momma. I told her that sometimes I didn’t feel like a Christian. Momma said she and Daddy would pray for me.
When I got to CenriKid I started to feel God working on me. Then on Wednesday, the focus for the day was on unseen peace that only comes from God. During Church group time that night, Mr. Jason shared his testimony about his uncle. He talked about how his uncle had peace after receiving Christ even though he was on a hospital bed very near death.
I knew I needed and wanted that kind of peace. That night, after church group time, I talked to Mr. Drew and Mrs. Sara. I prayed with them and received Christ. When I got back to the room every girl hugged me.
My Papaw said now I am his sister and his granddaughter and that is very true. Now I have that peace I was searching for and I hope you do to.