Baptized: 6/23/2019

Last year, I began to wonder what becoming a Christian was all about and I asked my parents questions about how to become a Christian. They talked with me and prayed with me, and I even met with Bro. Jeremy to talk with him more about it. It wasn’t until this year at VBS that I began to really feel God leading me to be saved. On Wednesday, during VBS week, we were given a card that asked if you were interested in knowing more about becoming a Christian and I knew instantly that I needed to mark “yes.” The next day, on Thursday, June 6th, I met with Mr. Jackie Brown and I knew that God was leading me to accept Him as my Savior and Lord. I am so thankful to be a Christian now and I pray that God will help me make good choices and to be a good example to others. I want to tell others about Jesus and let them know that He can save them too.