Baptized: 8/7/2016
December of my 5th grade year, I thought I accepted Christ. I knew what it meant to be a Christian and I knew that Jesus died for me and paid the price for my sins. But little did I know that I really wasn’t saved.
The last night of worship at youth camp hit me like a ton of bricks. While the pastor was preaching, I felt everything he was talking about was directed towards me. Tears were welling up in my eyes the whole sermon and I knew I had to talk to someone when it came time for the invitation. I grabbed Chloe and Mrs. Allyson and we walked to the lobby of the worship center. At that point I was crying so hard I couldn’t catch my breath to explain to them that I came to the realization I really wasn’t saved and that I needed Christ to come into my heart.
Mrs. Allyson lead me to Christ that night and I remember her saying, “This is your new birthday, Madison!” I now know for sure that God came into my heart that night and I don’t have any need to question it. I believe that God sent His Son to die for me to save me from my sins and He rose again. And I can officially say it is well with my soul.