Baptized: 9/25/2022
For as long as I can remember, I’ve gone to church. I was in Sunday school, GAs, and went to VBS every year I could. On July 4th, 2017 I thought I got saved. In the years after that I struggled in my walk with God and never really felt like I knew Him. At the FCA rally in August, the speaker was talking about how we’re born on team Satan and how we have to choose team Jesus. I really felt God convicting me while the speaker was talking. I was doubting who’s team I was on. Was I team Jesus or team Satan? Instead of having a regular invitation, the speaker told us to just stand up and walk out the doors if we needed to be saved. I realized in that moment that I was never on team Jesus. When I got outside, I talked to some people and I decided that night to truly put my faith in Jesus.