As a child, we attended church regularly. On August 13, 1995, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. As I got older, I became distant from church, only going occasionally. While in college, I decided it was time to get back in church and live my life for Christ. I started going back to the church I had always attended with my parents and grandparents. After a short time, circumstances arose and I made the decision to start visiting other churches. Not long after, I met John and his family. Jill, Keri, and Kaci invited me to come here to Fredonia. John and I came several times before we were married here. Everyone was so kind and welcomed me with open arms. After we were married, I visited here occasionally, but was not attending church regularly. Then, Mrs. Rose asked me to help teach Chandler and the special needs class during VBS in June of 2013. The entire week, I could feel God speaking to my heart! I didn’t know what he was trying to tell me, but on June 9, 2013 he answered my questions and led me down to the front of the church during invitation. I talked with Bro. John Ingle and rededicated my life to Christ that day! Since that day, I have been attending church regularly.
God has put some amazing people in my life over the past year or so! Mr. Chris and Mrs. Sara Bell have been so wonderful to me. I am so blessed and grateful to have gotten to know them. Mr. Jackie and Mrs. Angela Brown have also been a huge blessing to me. It’s very hard to put into words what these people mean to me!
Lastly, Jill, Keri, and Kaci have been very influential Christian examples in my life over the past few years. They will never know the impact they have made on my life. Over the past year, God has still been trying to tell me something. I have been fighting it for a while, not knowing exactly what God wanted from me. Last Sunday, God spoke to me in a way that He had not done before. I knew in my heart that on June 9, 2013 I truly accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I now know that I did not fully understand what it means to be saved and to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior all those years ago. Today, I want to confirm my salvation by baptism.