Baptized: 2/5/2017
Like many people, I grew up in the church going to all the services each week and generally believing the Bible to be true. I knew right from wrong and tried to treat others the right way. I had been under conviction a few times in the past, and like others, had prayed “the sinner’s prayer.” One thing was missing though – I never repented. One night, 3 weeks ago, God got my attention in a frightening way. For days, I had the most desolate, no hope feeling that one could have. Finally, I realized that was His way of giving me another chance to come to Him. I took Him at His word in the Bible, a promise – “Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” For too many years I have lived for myself. Now I am ready to be led by Him wherever He leads. I ask that you pray for me on my journey.